Donor Families

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Hope Starts Here

At Southwest Transplant Alliance, we provide compassionate care and support to the courageous donor families navigating the loss of a loved one.

Contact Donor Family Support



Community Connects

Donor families, transplant recipients, and donation supporters are invited to join us for this casual opportunity to meet, chat, and connect with one another. Together, we are united through the gift of donation. Please select the month/location below for details.

  • Thursday, April 17 from 4-6 PM

    EXT Brew Co. | 221 S Broadway Ave

  • Details coming soon!

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Connecting Donor Families & Transplant Recipients

We facilitate correspondence between courageous donor families and grateful transplant recipients. If and when the time is right, you may choose to write to the recipients of your loved one's gifts. There is no minimum or maximum amount of time required - you may write anytime. These letters remain confidential and anonymous until both parties agree to exchange identifying information.

Once we receive your letter, we will review and forward it to organ recipients via their transplant center. If your letter is returned to us for any reason, we will notify you. Please note the process for sending letters to tissue recipients requires the recipient to write first. Rest assured we will hold onto your letter and forward it once the tissue recipient sends a letter. Your loved one has given the most precious gift of life and health, so please be patient if it takes time for recipients to put their gratitude into words.

Writing to Transplant Recipients

If you are considering writing to your loved one’s recipients, please review the guidelines:

English (PDF)

As another option, you may also complete your letter electronically using the link below:


Honoring Your Loved One

Many families celebrate their loved one’s life through memorial services and end of life traditions. Written tributes are another way to honor and celebrate your loved one’s legacy. This may include:

Memorial program sample:

(Your loved one’s name) saved and healed lives through the gift of donation facilitated by Southwest Transplant Alliance.

Obituary sample:

(Your loved one’s name) selflessly gave the gift of life through organ and tissue donation facilitated by Southwest Transplant Alliance. In lieu of flowers, please consider making a contribution to the Southwest Transplant Alliance Foundation by visiting

Get involved with STA

Share your loved one’s story I Volunteer with us I Fundraising opportunities in memory of loved ones


Well-Being Support for Donor Families

1:1 Guidance Over Video Call

With support from the Southwest Transplant Alliance Foundation, we have partnered with TaskHuman to offer free, unlimited well-being support to our courageous donor families. Talk privately and confidentially with LIVE specialists over 1:1 video calls for personalized guidance on all aspects of well-being. Click here for more information and use the button below to get started with TaskHuman.

For the discount code, please contact our Donor Family Support team at


Other Grief Support and Resources

Grieving is both natural and healthy. Communicating with your family, friends and others who have experienced loss can help you process the grief you may experience after the loss of a loved one. Our team is here to help you through this difficult time and guide you to helpful resources, including support groups, recommended reading, and other online resources. Contact us today for more information.

The Mourner’s Bill of Rights I Center for Loss and Life Transition I Compassionate Friends I Therapy Directory I Haven of Hope