Rene Moreno, Jr. - Donor Hero
When Rene Moreno Jr. applied for a driver's permit at age 16, he was adamant about one thing: He was going to join the state organ donor registry.
Rene Moreno Sr., of El Paso, Texas, is a U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps veteran and man of service. Though only 18, his son Rene Jr. shared a passion for helping others with his father, often skipping lunch at school to give his food to others.
When Rene Jr. passed away in 2019, his father was reminded of the several conversations they'd had about being a registered organ donor. Rene Jr. saved six lives through his organ donation and improved the lives of dozens others through tissue donation – a truly selfless decision.
“My son believed in giving second chances.”
Check out and share the tribute video below highlighting the selfless gift this teenager made to save the lives of others: